Streaming stored audio/video refers to on-demand requests for compressed audio/video files
youtube, netflix
저장, 압축된 영상매체를 불러오기
Streaming live audio/video refers to the broadcasting of radio and TV programs through the Internet
뉴스, live 방송
Interactive audio/video refers to the use of the Internet for interactive audio/video applications
카카오 보이스톡, 페이스톡, 줌
각 서비스 마다 요구사항이 달라서 나누었음.
Digitizing Audio and Video
Digitizing audio
Voice: 64 Kbps = 8,000 samples x 8 bits
Music: 44,100 samples x 16 bits ->
705.6 Kbps for mono, 1,411 Mbps for stereo
Digitizing video
25 frames/second, 1024 x 768 pixels, 24 bits/pixel
2 x 25 x 1024 x 768 x 24 = 944 Mbps
Compression is needed to send video (audio) over the Internet
Audio Compression
Predictive encoding: GSM(13Kbps), G.729(8Kbps),
G.723.3(6.4 or 5.3 Kbps)
Perceptual encoding: MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)
Video Compression
Image compression: JPEG
Video compression: MPEG
Streaming Stored AV: (1)
First approach: Using a Web server
어딘가(서버) 저장된 비디오를 꺼내서 보는 방식
Get - Response
가져온 content를 media player를 통해 play
Streaming Stored AV: (2)
Second approach: Using a Web server with metafile
meta file - content와 관련된 information
media player가 metafile을 보고 server에 GET 요청하여 response를 받아 직접 play
Streaming Stored AV: (3)
Third approach: Using a media server
분리되어 있음
Streaming Stored AV: (4)
Fourth approach: Using a media server and RTSP
real-time streaming protocol
metafile media player로 넘김
RTSP는 자체적인 protocol을 가지고 있음
play, pause, fase-forward, rewind 등 다양한 비디오 컨트롤 기능을 가능케 함.
Real-time Interactive AV
live에 대해서는 더 strict한 방식을 사용해야 함.
Time relationship
Jitter is introduced in real-time data by the delay between packets
각각의 packet 들이 겪게되는 delay가 다 다르다. -> jitter
To prevent jitter, we can timestamp the packets and separate the arrival time from the playback time
arrival time과 playback time을 분리
Playback Buffer
A playback buffer is required for real-time traffic
1초에 도착한 packet이 7초 동안 기다렸다가 playback 된다.
stop을 막을 수 있음.
Characteristics of Real-time AV Communication
A sequence number on each packet is required for real-time traffic
Real-time traffic needs the support of multicasting
Translation means changing the encoding of a payload to a lower quality to match the bandwidth of the receiving network
Mixing means combining several streams of traffic into one stream.
Support from transport layer protocol
TCP, with all its sophistication(복잡함), is not suitable for interactive multimedia traffic because we cannot allow retransmission of packets.
UDP is more suitable than TCP for interactive traffic. However, we need the services of RTP, another transport layer protocol, to make up for the deficiencies of UDP
Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP)
RTP is designed to handle real-time traffic on the Internet
RTP uses a temporary even-numbered UDP port
odd-number - RTCP
payload type: MPEG 등 어떤 압축 방법으로 encoding되어 있는지
timestamp: 이 값을 가지고 play time을 정렬
Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP)
RTCP is designed to control the flow and quality of data and allow the recipient(수용자) to send feedback to the source or sources
source에게 feedback 전송
RTCP uses an odd-numbered UDP port number that follows the port number selected for RTP
Voice over IP
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) by IETF and H.323 by ITU-T
SIP Simple Session
Tracking the Callee
H.323 Architecture and Protocols - 생략
SIP가 대세 VoIP
H.323 Example - 생략
Push/Pull Based (Adaptive) Streaming
자동차 이동 중에 동영상을 본다고 하면 계속해서 네트워크 상황이 변할 것이다.(기지국과의 거리에 따라, 음영지역의 여부에 따라)
그래서 적응적으로 화질을 일부러 떨어트리거나 하는 등
Push based streaming (서버가 주도하여 push) - IPTV 방식
Session setup between server and client
Pull based streaming (Client가 주도하여 Pull) - 대부분 사용 중인 방식
Contents request from client
내가 play/pause
HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS)
HAS follows pull-based streaming paradigm
Rather than the traditional push-based streaming based on stateful protocol such as RTSP
state을 관리
Since HTTP is a stateless protocol, the client plays the central role by carrying the intelligence that drives the video adaptation
The advantage of HAS
Avoids NAT and fire-wall traversal issues - 너무 많은 traffic으로 fire-wall나 NAT에 막히는 경우 대부분 발생
Reusing existing infrastructure
SO, 추세는 RTP + UDP 에서 HTTP + TCP로 mainstream을 이루고 있다.
Existing versions of HAS
Apple : HTTP Live Streaming(HLS)
Microsoft : IIS Smooth Streaming
Adobe : HTTP Dynamic Streaming
DASH standardized by 3GPP(모바일을 주도하는) and MPEG
국제적인 표준으로 집합된.
Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
Netflix와 같은 곳에서 DASH 지원함.
네트워크 혼잡도 상황 등을 이용해서 비디오 퀄리티 중에 네트워크 상황에 맞는 퀄리티를 pulling
client가 모든 intelligence를 가져 client가 요청하는 대로 플레이
과거 상황이 어떻든 상관없음.
계속해서 quality를 늘려가다가 loss나 congestion이 탐지 되면 다시 또 떨어 뜨리고